Sponsorship Levels

Platinum ($1,000+): Your business will be listed in all printed materials, listed on our event website as well as on our other social media posts for the event; receive a window decal to identify you as a participating merchant; a full page ad in the event program, and a Facebook LIve interview to promote your business during June 2022.
Gold ($500+): Your business will be listed in all printed materials, listed on our event website as well as on our other social media posts for the event; receive a window decal to identify you as a participating merchant; a 1/2 page ad in the event program, and a pre-recorded interview with your business will be posted on our Facebook page and event website
Silver ($200+): Your business will be listed in all printed materials, listed on our event website as well as on our other social media posts for the event; receive a window decal to identify you as a participating merchant; and a 1/4 page ad in the event program
Bronze ($50+): Your business will be listed in all printed materials, listed on our event website as well as on our other social media posts for the event; and receive a window decal to identify you as a participating merchant